This green apple (also known by the name of Mutsu) has a great flavor and crisp bite. It is great for baking and eating.
October - November
The Fuji variety was developed in Japan in the 1930's and was introduced in the United States in the 80's. Now this is a very popular apple that has a moderate size and a sweet, cruncy bite.
September 2 - 15
The Gala variety produces small red apples with a sweet flavor and crunchy bite. Gala apples are best for eating.
August 5 - September 4
The Ginger Gold is a large and crunchy apple. It has a sweet flavor with minimal tartness. It is best for eating but also works well for baking pies.
September 20 - October 12
The Golden Delicious is a large russet colored apple. The fruit is firm and has excellent flavor for both eating and baking.
Below is a list of apple varieties grown in the state of Maryland. You may find them at a road side fruit stand or specialty store. If you can't find one of these varieties, try contacting one of our orchards to find if they are in your area.
September 20 - October 12
In This popular apple has a red coloring with yellow undertones. It is moderate in size with a crisp yellow flesh. The flavor is sweet with a small bit of tartness. This apple is wonderful for baking and eating.
September 5 - 27
This red apple with green background is small to moderate in size. It is not as firm as some varieties but offers instead a softer white flesh with a sweet flavor that has a tart bite. This apple is good for eating and making pies or sauces.
September 25 - October 10
The Red Delicious is the most well-known and purchased apple variety in the United States. It has large size with a deep red skin and off-white flesh. This variety is best for eating.
September 15 - 30
The Cortland is a large red apple with a sweet and tart white flesh. It is good for baking and eating as well as sauces.
October 20 - November 10
The Stayman is firm and medium in size. It exhibits a red and somewhat striped coloring. It is also known by the name Winesap. It is good for sauce, baking and eating.